Saturday, September 10, 2011

1: The Introduction to the Internet

Who, here, orders food and books their movie tickets on the web? Who, here, buys their clothes and even sometimes, daily necessities online? Who, here, spends hours everyday without fail on the internet (and by that, I include internet usage on your mobile smartphones)? That sounds very much like me, and I'm sure for most of you out there as well. However, on a side note, I honestly proclaim that I do not have internet addiction. That is a totally different story altogether.

I missed the old television sets, the manual radio where we had to adjust the antennae for good reception etc. Whatever happened to these vintage media appliances that kind of annoys us sometimes? Humans are just this complex, we miss the old and yet cannot let go of the new. By that, I mean that even though we miss our old ways of communication, we are not ready to let go of this miraculous profound technology - The Internet. We are unable to give up the perks of the internet that we enjoy, be it accessibility or for convenience's sake. However, through it all, these are all what makes us appreciate the internet and its existence. This blog will therefore discover and further appreciate what the internet has to offer to us.

Perhaps what i'm saying is subjective to my opinions, but i definitely can say that most of us cannot live without the internet. Look at me for example, Im writing this blog entry (which uses the internet) and blogshopping at the same time (which also uses the internet). See how convenient this is? I love it, the internet I mean, and of course the endless amount of clothes i've been buying online as well. :)

1 comment:

  1. haha! BUYING CLOTHES! Guilty pleasure eh.

    The internet seriously fulfill much of our desirable needs like stalking and comparing prices with the click of our fingers.

    But it is sad that everyone now is like so into it that we forget about the beauty of interaction in reality.
