Sunday, October 30, 2011

9: What news channel? Go to twitter for politics!

Anyone remembers this year's general elections? How many of you actually bothered to follow the news and wait for the results patiently for hours? Not for me definitely, I was too busy checking social media websites for the results and surprisingly, I was updated way quickly than the traditional media channels.

Politics has taken an advanced step towards technology, slowly yet steadily. Just by looking at singapore's politics for example, facebook and twitter became the main channels to reach out to our citizens. I came across this article online (extracted from whereby it talks about the young icon for this year's general elections - Nicole Seah. She has gone from unknown advertising agency executive to a national figure as the country’s second most popular politician online after her campaign for the Marine Parade GRC seat in the 2011 Singapore General Elections hit the online sphere via social media.

Miss Seah, who is representing the opposition party National Solidarity Party (NSP), has accrued an impressive amount of support through Facebook, putting her second only to Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew as Straits Times explains:

By 9pm on Monday, the 24-year-old opposition candidate had amassed 18,900 fans compared to Mr Lee’s 54,000 fans. She had earlier that day overtaken previous runner-up Foreign Minister George Yeo’s 18,700 fans, despite the fact that he had a three-year head start.

What made social media so popular for political campaigns? I could only think of a few reasons.

1) A wide network of audiences that a politician could reach just by a tweet or an update of status. Just look at how many people patronise facebook and youtube itself. With the country’s Facebook population of three million larger than the voter pool of 2.35 million, many voters may well interact with and discover new content through Facebook and Twitter instead.

2) Convenient and accessible. As these social media applications are readily available on the web and even on portable mobiles, politicians can update their progress and campaign motives anytime, reducing the high costs that may be needed if they opted for traditional media all the time to garner support.

3) Direct communication between politicians and the public because of the platform to allow free comments from the public. Social media serve to offer a breath of fresh air where comment is freer in which during election, parties and politicians like Nicole Seah herself readily accesses a platform that allows direct two-way communication with the public, free of restriction and interferences. That way, as a general member of the public, we would feel more connected to the political issues that exists and are to come and may feel the genuine sincerity between parties.

In conclusion, politics is a complicated arena, and in order to move further and beyond your peers in this battle field, it is inevitable that technology plays a part in escalating these advancements and ensuring survival. After all, it is about persuasion and winning, isn't it?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

8: Online stores that sell food. Say what?

I remember mentioning about how I was sourcing for the different types of online retail stores for our com125 group project, and I came across something very interesting to me. People would often think that online retail stores usually sell retail products like clothes and shoes, and maybe electronics or cars. Basically things that we use. However, have we ever thought about the existence of online retail stores that actually sells things that we consume? Food for example? As for me, I am a self proclaimed compulsive shopper and throughout my entire experience with shopping online, I have not come across online shops that sell food online and that is why I find this particular online retail store really interesting.

(Warning: the pictures make you really hungry.)...

This blog shop that I am about to introduce sells CUPCAKES. Yes, I am not joking, edible cupcakes. (And coincidentally, after i found out, it was started and owned by my own cousin. :D)

So this is how their website layout is like, simple and easy to make.

And these are examples of cupcakes they make (most of which are customised cupcakes). The advantage of this is that customers get to customise their own cupcake and they are able to choose from a variety of designs and flavours they desire. So you can order cupcakes for a certain occasion and they can even customise them for you!

Here is an example of the flavour palettes they offer, how refreshing!

Also, to add on to the idea of convenience, all you have to do is to order online and then these pretty cupcakes will be delivered to you at wherever you want. Oh how internet business is thriving, so much so that food is readily available at the comfort of your own space and time. (:

Here's the website:
Pictures credits to

Sunday, October 16, 2011

7: Ever thought about the bad sides of google?

Google oh google, an era we live whereby everyone of us has contact with this miracle technology. Almost everybody has used google, have you ever heard of anybody who has not touched google before? Google maps, google documents, gmail etc. The list is endless...

What has made google so fascinating and successful? People say google is easily accessible and convenient. At a touch of a button, you go from clueless to knowledgeable. How to get from point A to B? Google. Lets do our group project where everywhere's convenient! Google documents! Google google google. Our lives are surrounded by google because it becomes a part of our everyday lives. The interesting thing about this week's blog post is that have we ever stopped and paused for a moment and think about the annoying characteristics of google? I came across this video on youtube (a stand up comedy about google):

Even though it seems like a joke, but I actually agree with what he says. Sometimes, to every good thing comes a bad side. Even though google has always been there for us, sometimes we get too reliant on technology that we forget what we are capable of. To pause and slow down is all it takes. (I am not saying google is a bad thing though.)

As for our group project (our group is doing on e business), we have been allocated different aspects of e business and I was assigned to do research on the different types of online retail stores available on the internet. Why? The reason being that I love to shop online and i do so regularly. The research has been going well and good and I am surprised to find new online retail stores that I have not visited before. I can now shop and do work at the same time. Life has never been better.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

6: My own video made!

This week's all about making and editting your own video. So I have attempted to edit my own video. (The quality may suck though).

This video is simple, short, and is just a recollection of the two most memorable events that happened for me in 2010.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

5: Why squeeze on the sofa when you have internet TV?

Looks familiar? All that limited space, all that angst, all that discomfort...
Squeezing on the sofa couches to secure yourself a seat when a certain programme airs on the television is now a passe thing, why squeeze when you now have access to internet TV?

Internet TV has a few kinds, mainly websites that uploads old episodes of shows that have been already aired live on TV broadcast stations but you have missed it because of some reasons OR websites that create their own kind of programs, programs that you cannot watch on TV. Let me show you some examples.

Firstly the xinmsn website (everyone familiar with this website?). What does xinmsn do? This website uploads every episode of local programs the day right after it was broadcast live on TV.

They have videos on different tabs (e.g channel 5, channel 8) and label each show and episode accordingly which makes it easier for us consumers to catch up on whichever show we prefer. The only limitation that i've found out about this website is that they only cover local shows, I am not sure about overseas shows, however usually people watch those from youtube and many other torrents.

The other website that I would like to introduce would be This website produces different kind of short internet shows, whereby every episode is only a roughly 8 minute video log. The best thing about these shows is that they are not produced by local media stations which means that they are only available to view on the internet!

These are some screenshots of available episodes that you can watch. There are shows that cover beauty products, shopping etc. There are even episodes that cover the new of that particular week. Most of them are really funny, so those of you who have not tried exploring such mediums, GO! You're missing out on a lot. The website is

I cannot believe that I am never squeezing on the couch just to secure my seat during my favourite show ever again. Yay to technology.