Sunday, October 16, 2011

7: Ever thought about the bad sides of google?

Google oh google, an era we live whereby everyone of us has contact with this miracle technology. Almost everybody has used google, have you ever heard of anybody who has not touched google before? Google maps, google documents, gmail etc. The list is endless...

What has made google so fascinating and successful? People say google is easily accessible and convenient. At a touch of a button, you go from clueless to knowledgeable. How to get from point A to B? Google. Lets do our group project where everywhere's convenient! Google documents! Google google google. Our lives are surrounded by google because it becomes a part of our everyday lives. The interesting thing about this week's blog post is that have we ever stopped and paused for a moment and think about the annoying characteristics of google? I came across this video on youtube (a stand up comedy about google):

Even though it seems like a joke, but I actually agree with what he says. Sometimes, to every good thing comes a bad side. Even though google has always been there for us, sometimes we get too reliant on technology that we forget what we are capable of. To pause and slow down is all it takes. (I am not saying google is a bad thing though.)

As for our group project (our group is doing on e business), we have been allocated different aspects of e business and I was assigned to do research on the different types of online retail stores available on the internet. Why? The reason being that I love to shop online and i do so regularly. The research has been going well and good and I am surprised to find new online retail stores that I have not visited before. I can now shop and do work at the same time. Life has never been better.

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